About Us
I established Expect Perfection at the very end of 2009. Back then, we were the first North Carolina-based transcription service to guarantee accuracy. And we were the first company anywhere to thoroughly outline exactly how our accuracy guarantee protected you and what you could expect, and to produce transcripts far above the industry standard of, then, a lowly 95% to 98%.
Now, after ten years of providing professional, high-accuracy transcripts to universities and companies large and small, we’ve refined our focus to be–yet again–the first and only Research and Academic Transcription company online.
Numerous transcription services have popped up since our launch in 2010.
Most have disintegrated just as quickly.
Funny enough, many of them–and even companies existing before us–began to see the value in offering their own “accuracy guarantees.” Now, nearly every company has one.
And that’s okay. They definitely should.
In addition to being High-Accuracy Research and Academic Transcription Specialists, Expect Perfection is proud to still exist as the only company…
- to guarantee the highest accuracy in the industry (99.5%+),
- to consistently care for the community through our mouths and our money,
- to offer no-hassle, free trial transcripts for new clients, and
- to offer ongoing reduced rates for Historically Underutilized Businesses, all members of the most under-served communities, and all students & academic faculty.
Because if we don’t care for our own, then who will?
F.A.Q. About Expect Perfection:
So glad you asked!
We regularly offer funds, talent, & time to help advance systemic and social change. And we donate a percentage of the profit from every project to relevant causes, to help close the wealth gap for African Americans, and to create socioeconomic change for under-served communities.
★ Some of the Causes We’ve Supported ★
-Raleigh Rescue Mission-
-Meals on Wheels-
-Cause for Paws-
-Red Cross-
-Activate Good-
-Kahn Academy-
-Color of Change-
-Campaign Zero-
-Prosperity Now-
-Equal Justice Initiative-
-Goodwill Industries-
-Communities United Against Police Brutality-
-InterAct Family Safety and Empowerment Center-
…and more.
So that we could choose the “FLAWLESS” vanity number. Sadly, 919-FLAWLESS was unavailable when we secured this number 10+ years ago. 😥
Expect Perfection (formerly “Véridique”) started out as an uplifting idea from a former colleague, friend, and follower named Kim from Harmony‘s first company. Kim turned Harmony on to transcription around 2008–or at least helped her put a name to it.
Harmony discovered that she’d actually been transcribing difficult song lyrics for years, with no clue that what she was doing was “a thing.” And one she could build a business from years later!
After serving as a top-tier transcriptionist for several leading transcription companies, Harmony soon realized that the key to freedom was to do just what those companies had done: hire her own top talent to produce transcripts. And so she did, freeing her figurative and literal hands to promote and manage Expect Perfection.
Now, here we are 10-plus years after inception, still going strong, and fortunate to have built a small team of exceptional, perfectionistic, supremely dedicated transcriptionists. We’re honored and proud of the diverse client base we’ve built over the years that depends on us to help them realize the benefits of research transcription.
From elite organizations, nonprofits, universities, and research companies–like Cotton Incorporated, Cree Lighting, the University of North Carolina, and the Federal Public Defenders’ Office–to smaller companies determined to make a difference–like the Boys and Girls Club, LegalAid NC, and CAI–we’d be honored to add your name to the list of companies (and individuals) we serve.
Our family thanks you for choosing Expect Perfection.
We have a confession to make: Olivia Pope doesn’t work here.
But you knew that already. (And if she did, we’d most certainly charge higher rates… necessarily. I mean, have you seen this woman’s client base?)
Just because we offer exceptional research transcription services doesn’t mean we have to be Serious Sams all the time, now does it? We have fun behind the scenes. We work hard, we play hard, and we love to show that in our branding.
The Detailed Answer:
For years, we incorporated the fictional character, Forrest Gump, into our brand. And boy, was that fun!
During our 2020 rebranding, we decided to switch to the fictional character, Olivia Pope.
Ms. Pope is more reflective of our founder, Harmony Major, for several reasons, many of which we’re sure are quite obvious… and others, you’ll just have to wonder about. (Except that non-issue with the president. Oof.)
Harmony is also a perfectionist, very serious about her work, and… oh, just go watch an episode of Scandal. You deserve it!

Founder & President
“Quality begins on the inside, then works its way out.”
-Bob Moawad
How could a company produce quality work
without having a quality mindset?
Quality people are made up of good and noble characteristics
—morals and values—that are inevitably projected outwardly.
If we may therefore modify this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt to speak specifically to Expect Perfection’s core values, it would read:
“No matter how ordinary [an organization] may seem,
if truth and honesty are written into its ‘code,’ [it will be quality].”
And that’s how we live and work:
with transparency, integrity, and a strong concern for our fellow human.
The People

Montana D., Client Satisfaction

H.T. Major, Perfectionist-in-Chief
A Word from One of Our Clients
The transcripts were perfect. Thanks for a great job. I must confess that I tried a couple other services and their timeliness, finished work and quality of service was no way near the level and quality that I received from you. Keep up the excellent work.